Perfect Bouquet Full Of Flowers presents a variety of decorative, indoor plants.
Supply oxygen and purify air from harmful substances. Increase the humidity of the air.
Supply oxygen and purify air from harmful substances.
Increase the humidity of the air.
Green color improves lung function and blood circulation.
Green plants calms the nerves and backs your eyes.
Improve mood and well-being.
Being surrounded by greens reduces the level of stress and also alleviates the symptoms of fatigue.
Place: sunny / partially shaded
Watering: moderate
Planting and replanting: if necessary
Note: the information is basic and may not be sufficient, so we encourage you to explore the knowledge at other sources - unfortunately we are not responsible in any way for the purchase and further care of plants from this online shop, and each person buys plants at their own risk; by purchasing the plants on this web site you agree to this agreement and Terms and Conditions